Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association
The firearms training community has lacked a nationwide training program specifically directed at training the new and inexperienced shooter in the defensive use of the most common platforms of firearms – handguns, shotguns and carbines. Also lacking were national classes covering in-depth non firearms subjects, OC Spray, Response to an Active Threat, Home and Vehicle safety, House of Worship Safety, Business Place safety, Vacation Safety and more. These topics and more are in our SAFE program to keep you safe in your daily life..
Beginning in early 2014 experienced instructor trainers from throughout the country were recruited to act as the core of SAFTEA. Today the SAFTEA has over 90 student and instructor classes and is offering more every year.
All of the courses offered are presented with the defensive use of the individual firearm in mind at different levels for a smooth transition to more advanced defensive techniques. While familiar foundational material is presented, additional defensive topics and activities are included such as firearm selection, holsters, use of force, discussions about legal issues, use of cover and concealment, the defensive stance, methods of aiming your defensive firearm, how your body will react to a defensive situation and a broad range of incremental live fire drills to build the student’s shooting skill level.
Find a local student or instructor class click the link:
The SAFTEA offers over 90 classes, FAST class for the novice shooter and various higher levels for the more advanced shooter in handgun, shotgun, carbine and precision rifle.
You do not have to "sign in" to search for classes. Click here to FIND A CLASS
SAFTEA Instructor Development
Interested in joining the SAFTEA as an Instructor? The SAFTEA Instructor level courses are designed to teach the experienced shooter/instructor, how to present the SAFTEA courses to the general public and are not designed to increase skills of the candidates, all instructor candidates must already possess the skills necessary in the discipline they are taking.
The SAFTEA instructor course contains the following:
For more information click here!
There are many benefits to becoming an SAFTEA Supporter and we've listed just a few below. By supporting the SAFTEA you are helping to get our training programs to the public all over the country and rural America. Your membership helps the SAFTEA expand into new communities. Our Supporters recognize that promoting safe and effective skill development for the civilian is critical to the reputation of all in the industry. For more information click here!
By sponsoring the SAFTEA, you are making an investment in the future of the training and education of the responsibly armed citizen. By supporting the SAFTEA you are helping to get our training programs to the public all over the country and rural America. Your donations help the SAFTEA expand into new communities. The SAFTEA Board and Staff are highly trained professionals with a plethora of expertise.
Our sponsors recognize that promoting safe and effective skill development for the civilian is critical to the reputation of all in the industry. We have some very beneficial and high exposure programs for our sponsors that will put you front and center to millions of instructors and students all over the country. What better way to show your dedication and support to the shooting sports than by sponsoring the SAFTEA. For more information click here!
These are some of the products we use in class and recommend: